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Aviation inspectors participated in a regional training workshop for the use of the International Health Regulations Assessment tool


Aviation inspectors from the Department of Aviation Medicine and the Department of Facilitation, Passenger and Cargo Services of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan JSC (AAK) participated in a regional training workshop for the use of the International Health Regulations (2005) Assessment tool for core capacity requirements at designated airports, ports and ground crossings.

The training was organized by the Regional Office of the World Health Organization (WHO) with the assistance of WHO Headquarters, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, JSC "Aktau International Airport" and JSC "NC "Aktau Commercial Seaport". The seminar was attended by representatives of the countries of Central Asia and Azerbaijan.

It should be noted that the cooperation in the field of civil aviation and public health of the Republic of Kazakhstan is based on the provisions of Annex 9 Facilitation and Memorandum of Cooperation between AAK and the Department for Sanitary and Epidemiological Control on Transport. 

This training workshop is designed to help participating states achieve the same level of understanding of the assessment and to facilitate the development of the necessary capacity at designated points of entry. During the seminar, the participants not only learned about the requirements of the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005) at designated points of entry, but also had the unique opportunity to experience the practical application of the assessment tool through visits to JSC "Aktau International Airport" and JSC "NC "Aktau Commercial Seaport". Thus, during the visit to the JSC "Aktau International Airport" infrastructure facilities and procedures were demonstrated for use during the response to public health emergencies related to civil aviation.

Following the event, each participating state provided recommendations for developing an action plan to enhance preparedness and response at designated airports, ports and ground points of entry, which noted the importance of cross-sectoral collaboration at both the state, regional and international levels.

WHO expertise presented during the workshop, as well as country experiences in implementing IHR requirements at all points of entry, including airports, will allow the AAK and delegated agencies to maintain an appropriate level of cooperation during public health emergencies while maintaining air transport accessibility.