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Aviation industry experts discuss GRF implementation standards


A seminar is being held in Almaty on the GlobalReporting Format – GRF. The seminar is held by JSC "Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan" to provide a platform for discussing the issue of GRF to the f the aviation industry and the civil aviation authorities of Kazakhstan and neighboring countries, as well as to exchange experience in implementing GRF and develop effective ways to solve emerging difficulties. The seminar takes place on November 27, 28, 2023.

Experts from ICAO, the US Federal Aviation Administration, the Irish Civil Aviation Authorities, IATA, and experts from Finland were invited to participate in the seminar to present international best practices in the field of GRF.

It should be noted that the climate on the territory of Kazakhstan is sharply continental with a cold snowy winter, during which airport services face a wide variety of precipitation at aerodromes. Therefore, the introduction of GRF for Kazakhstan is an important event in terms of safety and efficiency of flight planning and execution. Kazakhstan was the first among the CIS countries to announce the introduction of GRF.

"Cooperation, orientation to the highest safety standards and the best world practices are the basis of success in the civil aviation industry," stressed AAK General Director Catalin Radu.

The seminar - is another step in improving the safety of the operation of runways. Kazakhstan adheres to the highest standards in the field of flight safety and consistently solves the tasks related to this goal.

All airports in Kazakhstan since November 4, 2021, in accordance with ICAO standards, provide GRF requirements, conduct an assessment and form a report on the condition of the runway, submit applications for the publication of SNOWTAM.

To date, a number of countries have not yet started using GRF standards, respectively, the airports of these countries do not apply them either.

For the successful implementation of any new ICAO standard, painstaking preparation and interaction between government agencies and the industry, a clear plan, training of specialists, consistent coordination of the implementation process together with the analysis of the effectiveness of this implementation and the corresponding improvement are necessary.

The GRF methodology is aimed at improving flight safety by preventing runway excursion in the presence of precipitation on it, providing a uniform worldwide approach to assessing the condition and preparing a report on the conditions of the runway surface. By comparing reports on the condition of the runway with data on the aircraft performance provided by the aircraft manufacturer, the flight crew can calculate the take-off and landing performance for a safe landing.