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Aviation Authorities of Kazakhstan continue to minimize the consequences of COVID-19 and restore the civil aviation industry


Today, the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan held a meeting with representatives of the aviation industry on the strategic development of the aviation industry. The event was attended by the Chairman of the Civil Aviation Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of Air Astana, SCAT, Prime Aviation, Kazaviaspas, Qazaq Air.

Chairman of the Civil Aviation Committee Talgat Lastayev in his speech noted that since the day of the aviation administration’s functioning, you can see how the regulator is changing, which adheres to a new vector, a new paradigm.

“The aviation regulator positions itself not as a Supervisory authority, but as a partner. The Civil Aviation Committee, together with the Aviation Administration, are ready to help the industry to solve the problems that currently exist. Now we are at the initial stage of building a new aviation regulator, and we have a lot of work to do on strategic development from 3 to 5 years. Approaches are changing, we are moving away from the old ones, from the culture of punishment to just culture. The President of Kazakhstan and the Government provide full support in development in this direction,” Talgat Lastayev said.

The strategy of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan is to build the capacity, manage operations, improve the industry and communicate with international organizations. Improving the industry involves 4 approaches: checking all existing aviation operators, setting goals for improvement through plans, developing a state safety plan, which implies implementing a policy of an impartial approach, as well as bringing to justice non-compliant air operators.

Today, Kazakhstan’s aviation industry employs more than 20,000 employees, including 10,000 airport employees, about 2,700 flight crew, 750 dispatchers, 1,430 engineers, 4,500 examiners and other airline employees. Quality professional training of the aviation community will be a requirement for all companies.

In the coming year, the aviation industry is planning to prepare for an ICAO audit and a subsequent FAA audit to obtain the CAT1 category in the second half of 2022.

Peter Griffiths, Director General of the AAK, stressed that “the Aviation Administration will continue to implement the British model of civil aviation management and will exercise proper control and supervision of flight safety, as well as take appropriate measures to develop the aviation industry. We will develop a universal approach for all airlines, we are ready to support them in achieving their goals, objectives and overcoming restrictions”

the Aviation authorities intend to conclude a Memorandum with the European Civil Aviation Conference to promote the safe, efficient and sustainable development of civil aviation in Kazakhstan and Europe. The Kazakh aviation authorities will also continue to work to minimize the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and restore the civil aviation industry.

During the meeting, participants also discussed issues of current processes and strategic development. Thus, for all airlines operating flights to Kazakhstan, standard requirements for flight safety will be introduced. To date, the development of amendments to the legislation on the implementation of requirements for domestic and foreign airlines that will fly to the European Union countries is being completed.

Representatives of airlines were presented a joint project of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan and the Astana International Financial Center (AIFC) – the ecosystem aviation hub based on the AIFC. The project offers tax benefits for airlines, the ability to fly around the world, lower interest rates on leasing, as well as low prices for certification and licensing.

In the future, such meetings will be organized with representatives of airports, air navigation services, small and general aviation companies.