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Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan signs the Memorandum on cooperation with Airport Council International (ACI Europe and ACI World)


25th of October 2022, in a frame of the 2022 ACI AFRICA / WORLD ANNUAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY in Marrakesh, Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan signed the Memorandum of Understanding with Airport Council International (ACI Europe and ACI World). The Memorandum will cover the range of aerodrome-related services and support to airports by ACI under the supervision of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan.

Airports Council International is the organization, which represents the collective interests of airports around the world to promote excellence in the aviation industry. Cooperation with the ACI will achieve a common goal of promoting the development of aerodromes of Kazakhstan, such as airport carbon accreditation, health and safety accessibility, and data management through establishing policies and regulations for the assessments and accreditations.