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The Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan signed a memorandum with iPADIS


The Memorandum of Understanding was signed to create a basis for cooperation between the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan and iPADIS on issues of interest to civil aviation and to improve coordination of efforts.

The Parties intend to establish close cooperation in the field of aviation safety, air navigation capacity and efficiency, aviation security and facilitation, economic development of air transport and environmental protection, as well as in promoting aviation development, sustainability, innovation, capacity building and social responsibility.

“The Republic of Kazakhstan is strengthening its commitment to the development of the civil aviation sector, and AAK is committed to developing and implementing innovative ideas that will have a positive impact on the aviation sector by expanding our partnerships with key players such as iPADIS,” said Catalin Radu, CEO of AAK.

“I am delighted with AAK’s commitment to working closely with iPADIS to help shape the future of air transport in critical areas such as environmental sustainability, innovative technology, training and capacity building programs, youth development, gender equality, passenger protection and universal air travel affordability.” commented iPADIS Founding President Dr. Olumuyiva Benard Aliu.


iPADIS is an international non-governmental public-private partnership established to effectively advocate for positive change in the global aviation industry. Its main objective is to ensure that aviation policies and programs at the international, regional and national levels take into account the views and interests of users and meet the needs and expectations of civil society. The organization operates on a non-profit basis, is independent and does not pursue political, ideological or other special interests. iPADIS is headquartered in Montreal, Canada.