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Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan continues to work on the implementation of the “e-Freight” system


The Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan held a webinar on the first project of public-private partnership in the field of digitalization of transport in Kazakhstan, “e-Freight”. The e-Freight information system is designed to replace the currently existing paper documents with appropriate electronic documents and messages in the preparation, execution and performance of air cargo transportation. Implementation of the project will improve the efficiency of air cargo documentation, reduce the time of processing cargo operations and increase the attractiveness of air cargo transportation and transit through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Civil Aviation Committee of the RoK MIID, the heads of transportation services and aviation security of Kazakh airports, representatives of the airlines “Air Astana”, “Scat”, as well as the private partner of the project LLP “TransInfoTech”.

The webinar summarized the results of the past year. So, for 2020, 84738 electronic air waybills were processed in the system, 17 airlines and 15 airports were connected, work on adding new and updating the existing functionality of the system was carried out. At the moment, work is being completed on integration with the Agriculture information system of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which will allow to abandon the paper air waybills for domestic shipments of conventional cargo, obtain electronic permits from the sanitary-quarantine services, electronic quarantine certificates (certificates). Also completed the first stage of integration with the information system of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Astana-1” for the introduction of electronic air waybill for international cargo shipments with the possibility of abandoning the paper airline companies.

All participants of the project make great efforts to promote it. The Civil Aviation Committee of the RoK MIID, in accordance with current laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as taking into account the standards and recommended practices of ICAO, is working to improve the legislation to create a comfortable environment for the transfer of documents and processes into electronic format.  On the part of the Aviation Administration, the participants’ work in the e-Freight information system is monitored on an ongoing basis. Airlines and airports share their experience, give their comments, suggestions and jointly solve problems to eliminate errors and shortcomings in their work.

A number of tasks were set for 2021 for the development of the e-Freight. In particular, to complete integration with the Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture in Q1 2021 and move from paper to electronic air waybills for domestic cargo and air transportation, to complete the 2nd stage of integration with  еру Astana-1 information system Ministry of Finance to implement electronic air waybills for international cargo transportation with the possibility of airlines refusal from paper, to implement a number of key functions and add several modules to expand the functionality of the system.