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Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan will expand cooperation in the field of aviation security


In the period from September 20th to 25th, 2021, a delegation consisting of Deputy General Director for Aviation Security of Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan Darkhan Espotanov, Director of the Aviation Security Department of Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan Darkhan Katyshev, Deputy Chairman of the Board - Head of Aviation Security Service of Nursultan Nazarbayev International Airport Marat Tuleshov, Security Advisor to the President of Air Astana, Aibek Kulkenov, visited the Kyrgyz Republic. 

The purpose of the visit was to exchange experience, increase the level of interaction and coordination between two countries on aviation security issues, as well as participate in an international seminar on Aviation Security Culture, organized by the State Civil Aviation Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic in conjunction with Manas International Airport , held at the site provided by the airport.

The seminar timed to  the year of Aviation Security Culture announced by the International Civil Aviation Organization in 2021.

Number of subjects were discussed during the seminar, including the development and implementation of the aviation security culture among civil aviation organizations.  Aviation security culture consists on set of norms, beliefs, values, views and assumptions that are an integral part of the day-to-day activities of an organization and are reflected in the actions and behavior of all departments and personnel.  The main objective of Safety Culture is to raise awareness of the threats and risks in air transport through the prevention of illegal activities.

Proposals were made on establishing and promoting aviation security culture via implementation of training programs for aviation specialists and the development of a unified methodology for the aviation security culture.  Presentations were given on the establishing of corporate culture in aviation security.

Based on the results of the seminar, the State Civil Aviation Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic awarded all participants with the certificates to promote Aviation Security Culture.

At the working meeting for the exchange of experience, the regulatory legal acts of the two countries in the area of ​​aviation security were studied for their compliance with the standards and recommended practices of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).  Consultations were held to increase inspectors qualification.

The measures taken in two countries to protect civil aviation from acts of unlawful interference were jointly considered, including: implementation of measures to control access to protected areas, improvement of screening procedures, the quality of the screening equipment, systems of security personnel  training and retraining , including the personnel performing control and oversight functions in the field of aviation security.

In order to consider issues on raising the level of qualifications and training of security personnel, the delegation visited the Kyrgyz Aviation Institute.  I. Abdraimova.  An agreement was reached with the leadership of the institute on further joint consultations on the training process for aviation security personnel and the publication of articles in their specialized industry journal on the subject.

The delegation also visited the Manas International Airport in Bishkek, where they got acquainted with the installed security system of the airport perimeter, ensuring access control to the airport, and safety of on-board meals, cargo and mail.

In order to further continue cooperation between the two Aviation Administrations, a protocol was signed on holding joint seminars, round tables, visits to exchange experience in the field of aviation security and the creation of an advisory and expert council to harmonize the legislation of our countries with ICAO standards and recommended practices.