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Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan is active in the field of public health in the aviation sector


Employees of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan (AAK) took part for the first time in the Eighth Meeting of the Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation (CAPSCA-EUR/08). The teleconference was held on the 11-12 November.

CAPSCA is a voluntary cross-sect, multi–organizational collaboration program managed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) with support from the World Health Organization (WHO). It brings together international, regional, national and local organizations to combine efforts to improve preparedness planning and response to public health events that affect the aviation sector.

The program operates in the six ICAO regions, through its seven regional coordination groups. It provides for an annual multi-sector, multi-stakeholder meeting in each of the regions at which the approach to public health event management in the aviation sector is developed and harmonized globally.

The meeting was attended by public health authorities, as well as civil aviation authorities, airports, air navigation service providers, aircraft operators and other relevant stakeholders from Albania, Austria, Georgia, Ireland, Israel, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom. Representatives from ICAO HQ, CAPSCA EUR Chair, ICAO EUR/NAT, JAA/TO, EASA, EU Health Gateways JU, WHO, IATA, ACI, DLR, IAC, EURAMI also attended theteleconference.

The topic this year of “COVID 19-Lessons learned?” is dedicated to the ongoing pandemic including challenges we all faced, lessons learned and what is still needed as immediate, short- and long-termmeasures and actions.

The Director of the Medical Safety Department of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan, Almira Berdongarova and Human Factors Specialist of the AAK, Merey Zholzhaksynova presented a report “On the issue of prevention of post-COVID syndrome among aviation personnel”.

This session aimed to make a convergence of the ideas, thoughts, discussions and experiences.

The Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan continues to work on making addendums to the recommendations for early diagnosis and prevention of post-Covid syndrome. Early diagnostics will give a more effective result and the opportunity to preserve the professional longevity of flight personnel in civil aviation. To do this, it is necessary to combine the efforts of aviation doctors, medical organizations, airlines and the responsibility of the aviation personnel themselves.