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Astana hosts VI International Transport and Logistics Business Forum "New Silk Way"


In Astana within the VI International transport and logistics business forum "New Silk Way", organized by the Ministry of Transport and the Union of Transport Workers of Kazakhstan "KAZLOGISTICS" was held a panel session: themed "Development of Cargo and Passenger Air Transportation".

The session was attended by the management of the Civil Aviation Committee, the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstani and foreign airlines, airports, logistics companies, as well as the representatives of foreign government agencies. Speakers of the session were Speakers of the session were Talgat Lastayev, Chairman of the Civil Aviation Committee, Olivier Jankovic, Director General of the Airport Council International EUROPE, Ergazy Zholdasov, Chairman of the Management Board of “Nursultan Nazarbayev International Airport" JSC, Ersoy Alp Er Tunga, President of "Almaty International Airport" JSC, Juan Fernandez, IATA Regional Manager for Cargo Transportation in Europe, Ahmed Al Hadabi, General Director of Terminals holding group, Zhanna Shayakhmetova, Director for Sales and Cargo Transportation of "Air Astana" JSC, Vsevolod Kim, representative of "Asiana Airlines".

During the session, the participants discussed

issues of fuel supply, development of domestic airport infrastructure and Kazakhstan's becoming a transit multimodal hub, as well as cooperation and integration of transport systems, development of the route network, increasing the efficiency of cargo transportation and improving supply conditions.

At the end of the session, the participants agreed to continue cooperation for the development of passenger and freight transportation.