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All Restrictions on the European Commission's “Black List” of Flight Safety Have Been Finally Lifted from Kazakhstan


On May 15 of this year, a meeting of the Flight Safety Committee of the European Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) was held with the participation of representatives of the aviation authorities of 27 countries of the European Union (EU). During the Committee meeting, a delegation from the aviation authorities of Kazakhstan, headed by Vice Minister of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan Talgat Lastayev, reported on the current state of flight safety in the country.

With the assistance of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Belgium, the Kazakh delegation presented the actions taken to address previously identified issues, which were positively assessed by the European Commission.

According to the decision made at the Committee meeting, adopted by the 27 EU member states, considering the significant progress in ensuring flight safety, all restrictions on flights to European Union countries were lifted for Kazakhstan and Kazakh carriers.

In his letter dated May 30, 2024, the Director of the Aviation Department of the Directorate General for Mobility and Transport of the EC, Mr. Philip Cornelis, noted that "the European Commission has decided to put an end to the enhanced monitoring of Kazakhstan's activities".

This Committee meeting was preceded by extensive work carried out since 2009, including a technical assessment of the flight safety system by the aviation authorities of Kazakhstan, successfully conducted in February 2024 by EU experts.

It should be noted that in 2022, there was a high risk of domestic airlines being blacklisted by the European Commission.

Overall, EU experts noted significant improvements in the effective functioning of the certification, control, and supervision system in the fields of flight operation, airworthiness maintenance, and the training and licensing of aviation personnel.

During the European Commission's monitoring period of Kazakhstan since 2021, the new model of functioning of the country's aviation authorities has shown positive development and effective establishment, creating favorable conditions for the growth of domestic air carriers, which now face no restrictions for flights to Europe. According to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the European Commission, Kazakhstan is a successful example of civil aviation management reform.