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Aircraft of the Civil Aviation Academy named after Honored Pilot Yakup Parkhatov


By the initiative of Kazakhstani civil aviation veterans, one of the aircraft of the Civil Aviation Academy was named after the honored pilot of the USSR Yakup Angarovich Parkhatov, who made a huge contribution to the development of the civil aviation industry in our country, as well as to the training and education of highly professional personnel and pilots.

Earlier, the aircrafts of the Civil Aviation Academy were named after the first Kazakh pilots Zholdasbek Nurumov, Salyk Akhmetov, Khamit Kaliev, honored pilots of the USSR Sagingali Nurgaliyev and Vladislav Maryshev, “Kurmetti Aviator” Nail Seifullin and twice Hero of the Soviet Union Talgat Bigeldinov.  Industry veterans are confident that naming ща our glorious aviators on training aircraft will serve the patriotic and professional education of the younger generation.