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According to the results of the period January-February 2022, the number of passengers carried by Kazakhstani airlines is 1,146 thousand passengers


According to the results of the period January-February 2022, the number of passengers carried by Kazakhstani airlines is identical to the same period in 2021 and amounts to 1,146 thousand passengers. The reason for the lack of growth is the temporary suspension of flights by domestic airlines and the activities of a number of airports due to the January events in the city of Almaty.

To date, domestic flights are operated on 57 routes with a frequency of 605 flights per week.

International flights resumed with 23 countries (Turkey, UAE, Uzbekistan, Russian Federation, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Germany, Tajikistan, South Korea, Netherlands, Poland, Armenia, Maldives, Thailand, Azerbaijan, Qatar, Kuwait, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia , India, Vietnam, UK) on 63 routes with a frequency of 212 flights per week.