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AAК staff participated in the Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation – Europe Focal Persons Workshop


The representatives of the Department of Aviation Medicine of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan JSC took part in a seminar for CAPSCA focal persons, organized by the EUR/NAT ICAO regional office in Paris.

​The seminar was attended by representatives of international organizations such as: EASA, ECDC, IAC, Frontex, members and partners of CAPSCA from 17 countries: Albania, Austria, Turkey, Romania, Belgium, France, Ireland, Great Britain, Switzerland, Slovakia, Portugal, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Belarus.

​ Discussions covered the main challenges faced by civil aviation when various types of public health events occur and measures for cooperation with WHO. Regulatory materials and updated information on the latest WHO border initiatives in the European Region were provided.

​Almira Berdongarova, Director of the Department of Aviation Medicine, presented the report “Implementation of iPack RNS in the Republic of Kazakhstan.”