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AAK specialists participated in the ICAO Seminar on Environment and CORSIA in Tbilisi, Georgia


Assel Aitkulova and Zhuldyz Abduali, Environmental Officers of the Sustainable Development Division of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan, participated in the Environmental Task Force Seminar organized by the ICAO EUR/NAT and the Civil Aviation Agency of Georgia in Tbilisi from 17 to 19 October 2023.

​The seminar focused on Member States' Action Plans for Reducing CO2 Emissions from Civil Aviation - SAP, Carbon Offsetting and Reduction System for International Aviation - CORSIA and Sustainable Fuels - SAF. The seminar was attended by representatives of aviation authorities and airlines of neighboring countries such as Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Belarus, Moldova, Hungary, Albania, Greece and specialists on sustainable development and environmental protection of such organizations as ICAO and ECAC. ICAO specialists shared the update of ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices in the field of environmental protection adopted by ICAO Assembly Resolution A41-21. Representatives of ICAO Member States reported on the current status of their countries in achieving carbon neutrality within the framework of the ICAO Long-Term aspirational goal (LTAG).

​As it is well known, the аviation аuthority of Kazakhstan has announced its voluntary participation in the Pilot and First Phase of the CORSIA in 2020. Standards and requirements of the CORSIA System are set out in Volume IV of Annex 16 to the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation, ratified in the Republic of Kazakhstan by the Decree of the Supreme Council on July 2, 1992. The Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan is working on the implementation of CORSIA standards into the national legislation in the field of civil aviation. Obligations to reduce emissions from international aviation will become mandatory for all ICAO member states from 2027.

​According to the ICAO report, 140 nations representing 98.53% of the world's RTK volume have voluntarily submitted their SAPs to ICAO. The AAK has included into the Strategy of the organization the development and adoption of the Action Plan for reduction of CO2 emissions in civil aviation.

​Also Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan is negotiating with ICAO EUR/NAT and the to hold a Seminar on Environment in Civil Aviation in Kazakhstan with the participation of ICAO specialists, which will provide a platform for stakeholders in Kazakhstan to properly understand the CORSIA, receive recommendations and tools for the implementation of standards from ICAO.