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AAK participated in the CAPSCA Global Virtual Symposium


Employees of the Department of Medical Flight Safety of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan from March 29 to March 31, 2022 took part in the CAPSCA Global Virtual Symposium. Symposium theme: "The impact of developments on public health in aviation. Lessons learned for a sustainable future".

The symposium registered 202 participants: CAPSCA members and partners, WHO, civil aviation authorities, public health authorities, national facilitation committee coordinators and other industry stakeholders.

The discussions touched on the main challenges that civil aviation faces when different types of public health events occur, highlighting the identified lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Based on the 79 recommendations developed by CAPSCA, issues of supportive operational measures in connection with the pandemic and after it, strengthening national coordination and international cooperation, increasing the exchange of digital data for contactless processes, management approaches for sustainable health-related FAL measures and monitoring implementation were considered.

The expected outcomes of the symposium include improving the effectiveness of measures to prevent and overcome threats to public health in aviation, strengthening the core elements of the CAPSCA Program, and increasing the ability to withstand the impact of such threats in the future.

The Symposium organizers plan to report the results of the work done to the ICAO Assembly in September 2022.