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AAK has developed recommendations for the transportation of COVID-19 Vaccines for airlines and airports


The Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan has developed recommendations for the transportation of COVID-19 Vaccines using dry ice, according to the recommendations of the International Civil Aviation Organization.

All air cargoes, including a consignment of COVID-19 vaccine for air transport, are subject to mandatory inspection before loading them on board the aircraft, inspected by modern technical inspection tools based on the algorithm, which fit the categories and nature of the cargo.

Shipments, including a consignment of COVID-19 vaccines that generating high density or complex X-ray images during the inspection, are subjected to an additional screening method using equipment to detect traces of explosives.

Airport executives (airfields), Aviation Security Officers and airline executives monitor procedures to protect COVID-19 vaccine shipments from unauthorized intervention from the moment of inspection to boarding the aircraft.

COVID-19 vaccine consignment, carried as air cargo, are processed and stored in secure premises to prevent other foreign items from being invested in them. Containers used to transport cargo and COVID-19 vaccines on an aircraft are kept in safe conditions at cargo and postal processing and screening facilities within a protected, restricted area in the airport’s controlled area.

Only consignments of COVID-19 vaccines, have been individually identified as accompanied or unaccompanied, are transported in the cargo hold of the aircraft and are inspected under the established requirements and accepted for transport on this flight by the carrier.

Vaccine shipments must comply with Technical Instructions, in which COVID-19 vaccines are classified as hazardous cargoes.

This recommendation is recommended to an aircraft carrier to facilitate the safe, secure and effective distribution of COVID-19  vaccines. The recommendations are available on the website of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan in the COVID section.