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AAK, in close cooperation with the industry, continues the work on the implementation of initiatives to improve the flight safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan  


Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan held a meeting on runway safety operations. The meeting wasattended by representatives of the main air carriers ofAir Astana JSC, Qazaq Air, 24 certified airports, Kazaeronavigatsia RSE. Within the framework of theAAK meeting, a draft runway safety program waspresented, developed in accordance with the approvedFlight Safety Plan (KASP) for 2024-2027. In addition, following the meeting, measures to improve the ICAO-GRF Runway Surface were developed.

In addition, AAK held a meeting of the Coordinating council on problems caused by wildlife, which was attended by representatives of airport operators, Air Astana JSC, Civil Aviation Academy JSC and others. During the meeting, the indicators ofaircraft collisions in 2023, planned changes inlegislation, problems and prospects for improvingprocedures related to the wildlife hazard management, criteria for classifying entities located in territoriesadjacent to airports as objects for attracting massconcentrations of birds, advanced training of aviationornithologists, etc. were discussed. Industryrepresentatives shared their opinions and experience inthe field of ornithological flight support in theRepublic of Kazakhstan. In 2024, wildlife hazardmanagement specialists of the AAK will hold a training seminar for airport specialists. Moreover, AirAstana JSC expressed its readiness to organize a seminar and practical training with the participation offoreign specialists.