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AAK begins accepting examinations for candidates for obtaining air traffic services controller licenses


Today, the first exam was held at the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan JSC with the aim of being appointed as an examiner for air traffic services personnel (air traffic service controllers and aviation station operators).

Mikhail Sudoplatov, Senior Controller of the South-Eastern Regional Air Traffic Service Center of the RSE "Kazaeronavigatsia", successfully passed the exam and will soon be appointed as an examiner for air traffic services personnel.

The Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan is actively working to bring the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of civil aviation in line with international standards and recommended practices of ICAO.

An expert group led by the chief examiner of the Aviation Administration developed a bank of tests to determine the level of qualification of candidates for obtaining air traffic controllers' licenses.

From December 2 of this year, Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan JSC is ready to take exams in its examination class.

The examination class complies with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of civil aviation, international standards and recommended practice of ICAO. The class is equipped with everything necessary for conducting exams. There are audio-video recording devices for recording the process of the exam. The testing program was approved by the qualification commission of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan.