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39 session of the ICAO Legal Committee: drones, cyber threats, satellite systems in air navigation


The 39th Session of the ICAO Legal Committee was held at ICAO headquarters in Montreal, Canada. This committee comprises legal experts from ICAO Member States. Kazakhstan was represented by ZhalelJuzbayev, Head of the Division on Harmonization with ICAO SARPs of the Safety Management, Quality, Strategy, and Compliance Department at the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan.


The President of the ICAO Council Salvatore Sciacchitano inaugurated the Committee session with his opening address to delegates, in which he emphasized, inter alia, that in the 41st ICAO Assembly, it was adopted Resolution A41-5 to commemorate the Legal Committee's 75th anniversary. This resolution highlighted the committee's crucial role in developing and codifying international air law and stressed the importance of its continued leadership in addressing new and emerging air law issues.


During this session, legal experts discussed various agenda items from the General Work Program, including:

1) Review of ICAO Rules for the Settlement of Differences;

2) Legal aspects of unmanned aircraft operations and their integration into civil aviation;

3) State obligations under Article 12 of the Chicago Convention;

4) Acts or offenses of concern to international aviation, including cyber threats;

5) Promotion of international air law instrument ratification;

6) Legal issues related to global satellite systems supporting air navigation;

7) Guidance on conflicts of interest;

8) Implementation of Article 21 of the Chicago Convention.


During the Committee's working sessions, the delegation from Kazakhstan contributed meaningfully during discussions on the agenda items.


The ICAO Legal Committee, established in 1947, has been pivotal in addressing international civil aviation legal issues. It has prepared 24 draft conventions that were subsequently adopted and ratified globally. The committee's efforts have significantly shaped the legal framework governing international civil aviation, promoting safety, security, efficiency, and sustainability in air transport.