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To the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstani parliamentarism


Kazakhstan Institute of Parliamentarism is 25 years old. On January 30, 1996, the first session of the first convocation of the bicameral Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place.

On that historic day, the First President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev said: “We are participants in an event that is called upon to become a significant page in the annals of Kazakhstan, in the history of the formation of its statehood. We stand at the origins of the birth of Kazakhstani parliamentarism in its true, civilized sense.”

Today, the Parliament of Kazakhstan is a state authority that plays a fundamental role in establishing the foundations of national statehood. The main task of the deputies is the adoption of high-quality laws and the solution of urgent problems of society.

In his Address to the people of Kazakhstan, the Head of State K.K.Tokayev, addressing the parliamentarians, noted: “As a result of the well-coordinated work of both Chambers, a legislative basis has been created for the implementation of the systemic transformations and reforms being carried out in the country ... All bills must undergo high-quality and in-depth study. You should always be persistent in defending the interests of the people.

For the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstani parliamentarism, the Elbasy Library has prepared a video dedicated to the history of the creation and development of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.