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The 1st KAZAKHSTAN AVIATION TALKS Energy Transition for Sustainability and Transit Development in Central Asia held in Astana


The 1st KAZAKHSTAN AVIATION TALKS Energy Transition for Sustainability and Transit Development in Central Asia held in Astana on May 24-25, 2023.

Within two days, over 250 companies and essential players in the worldwide aviation market, international specialists, development institutions, and the scientific community will meet to discuss current issues concerning the development of the aviation fuel industry in Central Asia.

KazMunayGas organized on the forum - Aero LLP with cooperation from IATA and the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as NC KazMunayGas JSC, the Civil Aviation Committee of the MIID RK, and the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan JSC.

The event will be moderated by Aaron Heslehurst, News Anchor&Presenter of BBC World News, Kostas Iatrou, Director General of Hermes - Air Transport Organization, and Mehmet Nane, Chair of the IATA Board of Governors.

The first dialogue's theme is "Requirements for Energy Transition in Aviation." This presentation will cover aviation needs, the industry's energy transition under the Net Zero 2050 initiative, and its difficulties and solutions. The first day will also substitute significant worldwide developments in the aviation fuel industry and their implications for Central Asia's transit potential, market saturation of aviation fuel based on demand, and international standardization of aviation fuel to expedite imports.

Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu, President of iPADIS, Johannes Baur, Head of Cooperation, EU Delegation Kazakhstan, ICAO Ambassador, Fadimatou Noutchemo Simo, President of Young Africain Aviation Professional Association; Michael Stanton-Geddes, Director of Economics & Competition, ACI Europe, Pierre Chevalier, Manager of Regional Sales, Axens, Roberto Gonzalez, Principal Green Economy Climate Action, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, as well as representatives from airlines, airports, and international organizations are among the speakers at the dialogue.

Talgat Lastayev, Chairman of the Civil Aviation Committee of the MIID of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and representatives from ministries and agencies will also attend the event.

Representatives from the S&P Global Commodity Insights Workshop met on May 25. The program will provide an overview of the Platts approach and explain how the Platts quote evaluates jet fuel.

The second day's focus was Eurasia Regional Cooperation and Regulatory Impact on Country Economic Development. This session will bring together aviation regulators from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan to discuss improving cooperation and its impact on regional growth, as well as the Global Market Outlook for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and its Impact on Airlines. The event will provide an overview of SAF's use in global markets and its economic impact on aviation sector participants.

Six memorandums of collaboration, as well as a Letter of Intent, are set to be signed during the First Kazakhstan Dialogue between Kazakh and foreign aviation industries.

Olumuyiva Benard Aliu, President of iPADIS; Catalin Radu, General Director of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan; Ildar Shamsutdinov, General Director of KMG Aero; Dmitry Makeev, Deputy Chairman of the Board of KazMunayGas, and Daulet Khamzin, General Director of the Nursultan Nazarbayev International Airport will also speak at the press conference.