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176 years since the birth of Abai Kunanbaev


On the occasion of the 176th anniversary of the birth of the great Kazakh poet and educator Abai Kunanbayev, the Elbasy Library has prepared a video. The creative heritage of Abai has enriched the history and culture of the Kazakh people, becoming its real spiritual heritage, which never loses its significance.

As a poet, Abai raised the improvisational poetry of the Kazakhs to the level of classical poetry, expanded its subject matter, introduced genres and forms hitherto unknown to it. The rich heritage of Abai Kunanbaev is a remarkable phenomenon in the history of world culture. The works of the outstanding thinker have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.

The first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy N.A. Nazarbayev in his article “Spiritual testament of Abai” said: “The great poet, brilliant thinker Abai became the founder of the era of Enlightenment and Awakening in the Kazakh steppe that began at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, his invaluable heritage became the moral guide of the people on the way to the future ... I am sure that the words and ideas of Abai, which serve as the cornerstones of our modern everyday existence, will continue to find concrete embodiment in our creative deeds and progressive aspirations.”